

Jammu and kashmir is a UT located in Northern India. The Capital city of Jammu and Kashmir are Srinagar (Summer) and Jammu (Winter). This place has 2 regions mainly Jammu & kashmir Valley. Srinagar Stands as the Summer Capital of Jammu and Jammu as the Winter Capital of Jammu and Kashmir. This is the Only place in India with highest population of Muslims. Jammu and kashmir is One of the best tourism Spot for its Beautiful Mountains. The population in Jammu and Kashmir will be around 12,541,302 according Cencus 2011

The Department of Information and Public Relations is an interface between Government, media and people at large. The responsibility of the department is to project,  highlight and disseminate the activities of the Government through print and electronic media.  The department has public relations,  film, photo,  field publicity, publication, cultural  and   exhibition units which undertake multifarious activities to project the policies,  programmes and initiatives of the Government. The department also co-ordinates with other media units of the Central Government viz., Radio, Doordarshan and PIB.

The Home Department is the Administrative Department of Police, Prisons, Fire & Emergency Services, Sainik Welfare and Defence Labour Procurement Departments.

J&K Higher Education Department is the controlling authority for all the Higher Education Institutions of the UT It has 07 Universities and numerous number of Government. and Non Governmentt Colleges to look after . J&K UT Higher Education Department has multifarious tasks to perform i.e Planning, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation of the functioning of all the Institutions under its domain. It regulates Administrative, Academic, Quality and Monitory aspects of all the Government Institutions.